Sunday, February 25, 2007
Harris, Charlaine: Dead as a Doornail
ISBN: 0441013333

From Publisher's Weekly:

Harris's rousing fifth Sookie Stackhouse fantasy-mystery (after 2004's Dead to the World) pits vampires, were-creatures, shifters and one fairy godmother against a sniper with an apparent aversion to nonhumans. If trying to discover who's behind the shootings isn't enough, the telepathic cocktail waitress from Bon Temps, La., has to cope with a few other distractions: her sexy "Were" friend, Alcide Herveaux, needs her help in his father's bid to become the next leader of the local werewolf pack; her boss, Sam Merlotte (a collie in his spare time), gets shot; her house partly burns down; and what's she to do about the handsome vampire bartender who dresses as a pirate at Sam's place? Between one mishap and another, Sookie is one busy gal. Harris does an admirable job of creating a heroine who's not only interesting but completely believable in a world of the strange and the different. Natural and humorous dialogue and a nicely paced plot that doesn't dwell so much on Sookie's old boyfriends help make this entry the best yet in the series.

This review pretty much says it all. Plus, the fact that I read it in less than a day. Because it was just that good. If you're into vampire romance chicklit, this series is definitely for you. I also have to agree with the above review - Ms. Harris could have spent a lot of time dwelling on Bill, but he only plays a minor role, which is quite excellent. However - no major sex scene in this one. I guess she was too busy being shot at and having her house set on fire and all that.

On the plus side, we get to see a lot more about the fairies and meet a very, very interesting were-tiger. Mmmm... can't wait for the next one!


Blogger Garrett said...

Buy "Already Dead" By Charlie Huston. Cool Vampire Noir.

Blogger Kait said...

Good to know, thanks Garrett!

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